Professional image

Presentation of image as a powerful Marketing tool to reflect business and skills. We assist clients in creating or developing the best professional image possible for them.

Management of Public Image

Teamwork with celebrities/personalities (and their entourage) to forge the image they wish to have, master it and use it to their advantage in the face of public opinion.

Business Etiquette and Protocol

Teach clients on the basis of "Living knowledge" and the Protocol in the professional world (introductions, presentations, conversations, meetings, business...) and equip them with self-confidence necessary to succeed in this demanding environment.

Verbal and non-verbal communication

Emphasis on the power of speech and attitude: this enables clients to communicate more effectively in the professional, social or personal field.

Personal development

Backstage uses the proven techniques of coaching to analyze and develop a strategy tailored to the client's needs. The Client is therefore fully aware of his/her potential and improves his/her performance in order to bring his vision/intentions/desires into existence.

Preparation for recruitment interview

The goal of this support service is to maximize the Client’s chances of being hired or promoted.

Dress strategy/makeover

The personal data of the clients are analyzed (physical, personality, objectives, preferences ...) and then put into practice to evaluate their existing wardrobe and, eventually, if required plan to supplement it.